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Dev Guild channel guidelines

The dev guild is a Slack channel meant to encourage sharing knowledge, news and other topics related to the technologies we use at Albelli-Photobox Group. In order to keep the channel relevant and accessible for the entire tech organization, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Top level posts in the channel should be closely related to frameworks, libraries, techniques or processes we use within the APG engineering organization.
    • Product updates (We released version 10.5!) and service announcements (Our service is down until 5pm) are better suited for channels where all stakeholders are present
    • Posts that are just memes or jokes are better suited to one of the many off-topic/random channels.
  • Try to not just post a link, but add a little explanation as to why it is relevant or interesting. This makes it easier for others to find your message later.
  • Use Slack threads for discussion, and schedule a meeting later if a discussion is particularily interesting.
  • Use Slack Posts or Github gists to create content that can only be viewed by APG members.

Some examples of excellent content for the channel:

  • An internal blogpost about a post-mortem investigation of an incident your team handled.
  • A link to a pull request you created as part of your dev/chapter day and an explanation why it is amazing.
  • A link to a RFC you made for your team to show what you are working on and how your teams process works.
  • An open question as to how others have handled certain situations before, e.g. “How do you organize your folders in Terraform?”

Some examples of good content for the channel:

  • A link to a library or update for one of the tech stacks we use, with a note on how we could use it.
  • A link to a blogpost or video related to APG tech you found interesting.
  • A recommendation for a good book or course related to APG tech.